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Kinetic Sailing

Solomons, Maryland USA

Rated 4.95/5 by 11 students
Whether you're beginning to sail or preparing for a cruising odyssey, Kinetic Sailing can help you reach your goals through NauticEd. Lifelong sailors Andy and Lisa have specialized in teaching couples to cruise together, tailoring instruction to specific needs. Train On-Your-Own-Boat, or on ours. Our fleet includes small and large keelboats, and we have access to catamarans as well. Based in Maryland, we sail year round between the US East Coast and the Caribbean.

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Instructors Woman Sailing Instructor


NauticEd System Knowledge Expert Transformational Instructor Course Graduate Woman Instructor American National Standards Instructor/Assessor SLC Instructor/Assessor
Rated 4.93/5 by 9 students
  • Level V Bareboat Charter Master Rank Chief Instructor/Assessor
  • American National Standards Instructor/Assessor
  • SLC Instructor/Assessor
  • NauticEd System Knowledge Expert
  • Transformational Instructor Course Graduate
I grew up in a power-boating family, and taught myself to sail at an early age. Fun as that was, I’d have learned so much more with professional instruction back then. Kudos to you for taking the ...
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Andrew Batchelor

NauticEd System Knowledge Expert Transformational Instructor Course Graduate American National Standards Instructor/Assessor SLC Instructor/Assessor
Rated 5/5 by 2 students
  • Level V Captain Rank Chief Instructor/Assessor
  • American National Standards Instructor/Assessor
  • SLC Instructor/Assessor
  • NauticEd System Knowledge Expert
  • Transformational Instructor Course Graduate
I have my students adopt a total hands-on approach right from the start, as I believe that is the best way for sailors to learn. I also take great pride in understanding their learning style to ...
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Take online theory sailing courses with NauticEd, then use our skilled in-house sailing instructors to gain practical sailing experience and confidence. Once you pass the courses and practical training, you'll be awarded with a NauticEd Sailing Certification with Verified Practical Competency.

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