And if there weren't enough advantages to sailing a catamaran here is another.
The mainsail traveler on a catamaran is significantly longer than on a cruising monohull. Thus you can take real advantage of this. The mainsail can now be adjusted in 2 different ways: using the traveler line or by adjusting the mainsheet.
When sailing close hauled on a catamaran in heavier air, move the traveler upwind (on the opposite side of the sail) and let off on the main sheet. This will allow the boom to rise a little and "twist out" the top of the sail. Twisting the sail out "deflates" the top of the sail and should be done in the case of slightly stronger winds. In light air, make sure that the top of the mainsail is not “losing air” meaning, keep the traveler close to the center and tighten the mainsheet to make sure the main cannot open up at the top.
As soon as the breeze kicks up, bring your traveler up a bit more and ease the mainsheet so that the boom does not come past the center point.

Once out sailing you'll be able to dispel one of the biggest "myths" surrounding catamarans because modern cats actually do point pretty well!!
The flatter the water, the better they will point and it'll be possible to sail in the high 30s degrees off the wind if your cat has the genoa tracks up on the coach roof, you will have a nice tight sheeting angle allowing you to go upwind comfortably.
As soon as you bear away from the wind slightly, you will want to bring the mainsail traveler down to leeward and start easing the mainsail (similar to a monohull).

Thinking about a bareboat yacht charter with a catamaran? Register now for the Catamaran Sailing Confidence Clinic. Money back Guarantee - if you don't like it - no questions just your money back.
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