SeaTalks about Rules of the Nautical Road

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Posted 2023, Apr 26 17:56
In taking an intro lesson, we had a couple cases coming head on to two or three sailboats motoring on parallel tracks (side by side). This made me pretty anxious and it wasn't clear to me what should be done since the grouped boats have to communicate with each other to maneuver. In one case we passed between at what seemed a bit close quarters to me. In the other case we steered away. I didn't feel that I understood how to make the decision in general.
Posted 2023, Jun 15 00:41
If one vessel gives a single blast to signal port-to-port, does the other vessel respond? Also, how would one communicate this intention on VHF, particularly if you don't know the name of the other vessel?
Posted 2023, Jul 21 18:43
I would rather make mistakes on a test than on the water. The more I take this test the more I am learning and getting these rules ingrained!
Posted 2023, Jul 30 04:10
In the exam for Rules of the road question 20. The picture shows a red light and another red light over a green light. The correct answer was port side Sailboat. I don't understand how you could see two red lights on a sailboat at night, it only has one? Maybe if you had too much beer, but that was not an option in the answers.
Posted 2023, Aug 04 00:37
What about muscle powered vessels like kayaks or rowing boats? Where do they come in in the list? Also, what about windsurfer and kitesurfer?
Posted 2024, Mar 24 17:02
I didn't love the fishing related mnemonic that is suggested by this module for remembering the categories of vessels under the rules (not to mention that it's factually incorrect). I just wanted to offer mine as an alternative: "Observant Navigators Read COLREGs For Safe, Prudent Sailing" Some may find "Charts" easier to remember than "COLREGs" - I just like the meta of the mnemonic referring to the rules. :P
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