SeaTalks about Coastal Navigation

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Posted 2022, Nov 13 23:32
TWD=200, TWS=15KTS; Leeway Table indicates 0 degrees leeway, but answer sheets indicates 10 degrees leeway at 180 which is closest listed; is there a 2nd page to Leeway Table missing?, or? Please advise. Thanks
Posted 2022, Dec 25 12:35
"(1) You left Clinton Harbor 41 deg 15.5 min N and 72 deg 31 min W about an hour ago heading 180° per your ships compass (psc) " Technically the PSC is not the magnetic heading as PSC is the magnetic + deviation however we have used the PSC as the magnetic heading to determine the applicable deviation. I know the error is generally small but if wanted to technically get it accurate, how would you do it if you only had the PSC measurement to begin with?
Posted 2023, Feb 05 17:17
You say "8.7 kts in 44 minutes is 6.3nm." But 8.7 X .44 = 3.828. Or (decimal) 8.7 X .74 = 6.47. ??
Posted 2023, Apr 06 18:11
Hi, I'm wondering where to get the mean ranges table from?
Posted 2023, Dec 15 19:42
On the first example of the practice plots (1-1) The leeway used is 10 degrees. This is taken from the leeway table for 15 knts and 90 deg TWA. The TWD is 90 deg but because the boat is on an angle of 152 deg the tue wind angle is 152-90=62 deg. This is closer to a true wind angle of 45 so I would think that it would be best to select the leeway from the table for 15knts and 45 deg which is 12 deg leeway as apposed to 10. This would be the apparent wind angle wihich would have an effect on the leeway not the True Wind Angle.
Posted 2023, Dec 21 05:20
on the passage planning question - i can find the starting marina (had lat and long) and the Northern territories.. but it references Upper Town Quay, Farlow River as the destination.. I see the Farlow River, but no 'Upper Town Quay'. Am I blind? any hints?
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