Practice plot leeway calculation

Practice plot leeway calculation
Posted 2023, Dec 15 19:42
On the first example of the practice plots (1-1) The leeway used is 10 degrees. This is taken from the leeway table for 15 knts and 90 deg TWA. The TWD is 90 deg but because the boat is on an angle of 152 deg the tue wind angle is 152-90=62 deg. This is closer to a true wind angle of 45 so I would think that it would be best to select the leeway from the table for 15knts and 45 deg which is 12 deg leeway as apposed to 10. This would be the apparent wind angle wihich would have an effect on the leeway not the True Wind Angle.
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Reply 2023, Dec 20 00:53
The animation has now been corrected. The answer sheet had the correct info of 12 deg. Thanks for pointing this out.
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