Confused about graphics

Confused about graphics
Posted 2020, Jan 04 13:57
In the graphics and animation the apparent wind arrow is shown pointing more toward the stern of the boat compared with the true wind arrow. For example, when close hauled, the apparent wind is felt more toward the bow of the boat but the direction of the wind in the graphic shows the apparent wind arrow pointing toward the stern of the boat.
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Reply 2020, Jan 04 19:55
Please take another look at the actual directions not the position of the arrows.
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Reply 2021, Feb 18 22:39
Grant - I too am confused with the chart graphic of the true wind arrows vs. the apparent wind arrows when the boat is moving forward. My understanding is that as the boat gains forward speed, the apparent wind direction moves forward of the true wind direction (in other words, appears to becoming more & more from the front of the boat as you go faster & faster), yet the arrow indicates it’s behind as the boat moves forward. Your previous reply to Alan’s question hasn’t clarified it for me. Can you further explain? Thanks!
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Reply 2021, Mar 16 23:45
I'm going to echo the previous student's confusion. I actually thought I understood the principle of true vs apparent wind reasonably well but I, too, am stumped as to why the graphics show apparent hitting the boat aft of true. I looked elsewhere on the web (America's cup sailor's explanation) and others draw the same type of graphic as NauticEd. So, please explain -- in layman's terms -- why the apparent wind "moves forward" when going up wind, but the graphics show it moving aft. Help?
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Reply 2023, Sep 05 04:37
Ok, let me see if I understand this. I am also confused by the graphics. if the answer is to look at the direction of the arrow, then by locating both arrowheads together the angle of the arrow that represents the apparent wind will be 15 to 20 degrees forward of the True wind.
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Reply 2023, Sep 05 19:39
Edwin is correct. We will add a graphic to emphasize this. Essentially the direction of the wind is more coming from a forward direction.
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Reply 2023, Sep 05 23:51
A new graphic has been added to this page to alleviate any confusion
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