Generation of AC when motor sailing

Generation of AC when motor sailing
Posted 2019, Jan 27 17:42
I have experienced that the AC plugs on boats do not work when motor sailing, and an inverter is still needed. If the engine is on, doesn't the alternator generate AC?
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Reply 2019, Oct 05 23:30
Paul, good observation and question; the alternator of most engine systems is intended to supply power for essential systems related to the engine. The alternator does produce an alternating current (AC) but it is immediately converted to direct current (DC), primarily to maintain battery(ies) and to supply 12 volt power for essential systems. Most engine alternators are designed to produce enough extra power to supply other systems, but not to power all of our domestic accessories. Your AC system is normally only energized while connected to shore power or if you have installed an inverter system or auxiliary generator. Hope that helps.
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