Hard to Port?

Hard to Port?
Posted 2017, Aug 26 18:29
The sail boat (in this situation, a power vessel) should avoid passing in front of the power boat, right? Shouldn't it turn hard to starboard? Regarding explanation and image on "12- Rule 15: Crossing Situations"
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Reply 2017, Aug 26 23:40
Discretion should always be applied as to which way to turn so as to have the least risk of collision. Consider your turn radius if you are very close. Turning to starboard towards the vessel in this case might increase the risk. Taking to long to turn to port away from the vessel can also be a problem. Consider the situation. Away from the vessel might always be a good choice but consider the angle of turn and thus the time to complete the turn.
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Reply 2021, Jan 18 03:25
Thanks to Wayne for his question. I have the same impulse: a much smaller adjustment seems to be needed both in speed and heading if turning to starboard. Understanding more about the practical justification for turning port instead of starboard would help me reset my instincts to make the best of a tight situation like this.
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Reply 2022, Apr 09 21:21
Take this with a grain of salt from an amateur, but I'm with the OP here. Hard to starboard. Peter cited 17 (c), "...not alter course to port for a vessel on her own port side," but I don't believe that applies here, because the power boat is _not_ on the sailboat's port side. It's my understanding that the reason for 17 (c) is that if you turn to port crossing a vessel already on your port side, you're turning into the path the other boat would take if its captain should suddenly wake up and implement a panic PPP maneuver. That's why, if you turn, you need to turn starboard. In fact, the same reason applies in this situation. Even with the power boat on the starboard side as shown here, turning to port puts you in their PPP path. The action that's consistent with the rest of the reasoning is still to turn to starboard.
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Reply 2022, Apr 10 14:25
Note our change to our admin discussion on this thread.
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