Module 11 Question 2 d

Module 11 Question 2 d
Posted 2017, May 27 16:52
If one leaves the same plot on the chart, distances are not changed by changing times. So if current vector is 1.5 nm long. And that 1.5 nm is covered in 1/2 hour then the current vectors speed should be 3nm/hr not .75. What am I interpreting incorectly? Thanks.
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Reply 2017, Jun 14 14:37
You're mixing speed and distance. If the speed is 1.5 nm/hr then over 1/2 an hour the distance traveled is 0.75 nm.
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Reply 2020, Sep 30 15:36
I have the same question - or maybe I'm misinterpreting it. (I understand the 'simple math' of the answer but still feel I'm missing the point) If we leave the same plan (physically drawn) on the chart, and assume all of the vectors are accurate in direction and dimension I can't see why all speeds don't double in order that all occurs in half the time? (and actual boat speed over ground would double also)
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Reply 2020, Sep 30 16:17
Ok - apologies for the poorly worded question. It is reworded now to: d) If the plot you just made was from 1000 to 1030 i.e. 1/2 hour, what would be the length of the tidal stream vector instead?
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