Two different end-for-end gybe sequences?

Two different end-for-end gybe sequences?
Posted 2022, Nov 22 05:27
Hi, can anyone help me understand the difference between these end-for-end sequences? "The spinnaker is first released from the outboard jaws of the pole. Then disconnect the pole from the mast, and then spin the pole end - for – end. Lift the outboard end of the pole to catch the new guy (old sheet) and close the jaws to capture it. The inboard pole fitting is then placed on the mast ring to secure the pole and complete the gybe. Some sailors prefer to first release the inboard end from the mast ring and then place the opposite end of the pole immediately on the new sheet before attaching the other end to the mast. " These sound the same - release outboard end, release inboard end, attach outboard end, attach inboard end. Also, I don't understand the phrase 'place the opposite end of the pole immediately on the new sheet' - should this instead say 'new guy'?
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