Confused on the Direction

Confused on the Direction
Posted 2022, Mar 28 23:40
In the example, it's determined that the direction is 10 degrees. But, it seems that the direction is FROM 10 degress going to 190 degrees. And, the note at the bottom states that the direction is based on the "to" direction, doesn't it??
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Reply 2022, Mar 29 02:26
It is ok to use words to describe anything - you might say current is coming from 010 deg. That is very clear. In a table where there are no words just numbers, the current direction is always listed as the direction it is going to. In the example, the current is going to 190 deg. Thus the current direction is 190 deg. If you said to me it is coming from 010, that still defines the current as the same but in practice, it is just better to list it as the direction it is going to.
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