Tidal Curve illustrated exercise

Tidal Curve illustrated exercise
Posted 2020, Aug 15 21:45
Excellent question, adding some feedback to dated post. The case of applying 2 HW/LW interpolation lines is depicted on the additional exercises PDF#2 (fictitious port, 09Sep, solve safe time to traverse >= 1.5m tide). A case for treatment of the Mixed Semidirunal tides and graphed "ebbing" vs "flooding" solution determination. Excellent discussion @NauticEd ANSWER in related 09Sep additional example. Above student question seems valid & applicable to use 2 different HW/LW interpolation lines to be most accurate 'before' HW at flooding tide. Question pertaining [LW -5h] placed together under graph Tide Curve Shape is possibly a publishing error throughout blank PDF curves of this chapter. Unlike illustrated After HW [+5h] & [LW] shown separate grid spaces.
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