Anchoring at High Tide

Anchoring at High Tide
Posted 2020, May 02 16:12
In the example you explained the problem of anchoring at low tide. Am I correct in assuming that anchoring at high tide would leave you with too much rode as the tide dropped, causing excessive swing & the same problem of crashing?
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Reply 2022, Jun 01 17:22
Good question. I can only offer that if you were in a high tide and let's say it lowers by 6 or 8 feet or whatever then that extra distance would only effect your swing by 6 or 8 feet (realistically less as it chain curves down) should not make your swing that much closer to danger, otherwise you were too close to start with. However.....if you had a minimal scope out at low tide the rise of 6-8 feet would put your scope below the minimum and possible start to drag. Especially if there is a wave action bouncing.
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Reply 2023, Jan 04 10:29
Yes. Be aware of both high and low tides when according. Position yourself where you can let out sufficient rode for proper scope at high tide, but where you also have enough distance from hazards to at low tide. Also be aware of potential shifts in wind direction. Experienced sailors on Cape Cod Bay, where tides are up to 10 ft, cautioned me on these points when anchoring.
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