Maneuvering Under Power

Maneuvering Under Power
Posted 2015, Aug 31 12:22
Having reading the book and course "Maneuvering Under Power" I would appreciate to have your instructions how to drive a boat when wind blows across the dock and boat is stern to: like in figure 10 on the page 33 but stern to. To my opinion when wind is pushing a boat to a pier and you have to park a boat in a position "stern to"- this is most complicated maneuver especially when path from channel entrance to a parking place is long.
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Reply 2015, Aug 31 22:00
Welcoming other's feedback too please. Always start with your stern to the wind - and get some way going. This way, you control the boat and the wind does not - no matter what the direction of the wind - adjust boat speed with wind speed to maintain full control. Then begin backing down the fairway. Make your turn as gentle as possible and preferably turn so that you are turning the aft to the port to go with the propwalk. If you start your backing in the fairway, you can do a pre-emptive strike on the propwalk by starting off line a little.
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