Turning a Circle around a Buoy under power

Turning a Circle around a Buoy under power
Posted 2016, Apr 01 00:07
While Maneuvering Under Power: I have my students turn the boat in a circle in one direction and then the other. Often, but not always, the boat will turn better in one direction than another. Any suggestions why that is?
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Reply 2016, Apr 29 13:43
Many factors. But the most obvious would be that the rudder stops may be set differently. Prop walk is still existent in forward but not noticed as much because of the rudder effectiveness. However, the torque on the boat is still there. RPMS might be set different by the helmsperson. etc.
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Reply 2016, Jul 25 22:42
Possibly prop walk. On my boat the outboard is aft of the rudder and off center by 2ft to port. My turns to stbd are tighter than to port. Lance
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