voltage and current

voltage and current
Posted 2015, Oct 29 16:31
in 2.4.1 you state: "The higher the electrical voltage the more powerful is the current output. Every sailor who uses electricity for any purpose is well advised to know what the voltage is, whether it is AC or DC. Volts can burn, maim or kill if improperly handled." this is not precisely true. static from walking across a carpeted floor in a dry house can create a spark of 1000V. The current, however, is minuscule. THe 12V boat battery can seriously hurt you because of the high current available. More clarity in this section would be appreciated.
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Reply 2017, Nov 17 07:50
I thought that was an error, but I'm no electrician so I stayed quiet. Thanks for clarifying. 12V is no safer or more dangerous than 110V IIRC, just depends on what's driving it (8xAA's are 12V, and though I wouldn't stick 8xAA's to my tongue, it's not going to kill me).
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